Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fillipo Brunelleschi The Risk Taker

Brunelleschi was a risk taker by building this dome because at that time they didn't have the skill or technology to build such a dome. The people of Florence were praying to god that someday someone will solve this big missing piece of the puzzle. The cathedral couldn't be seen as completed without this dome. People saw It as impossible because it's width was massive and there was no way to support it while building. They couldn't set up scaffolding around or through the cathedral to support this dome. This was such a risk taking event as one miscalculation could bring the whole building down. Some even call this a 'miracle design of engineering'. If Brunelleschi had backed out from this plan only because he wanted to play safe, the Dome might not even exist till now. By taking the risk, the possibility of failure, he has built this wonderful landmark in Florence as the greatest architecture and tallest building. Brunelleschi went with his decision by going against the odds and went down history. Even the smallest , riskiest decision could change the faith of a country or person. Sometimes I think its worth betting on what you believe in the most.