Monday, March 28, 2011

Why Should The British Apologize To The Natives?

After watching the movie called the "Rabbit Proof Fence" I have felt that the people in Australia were discriminating the aboriginal as an out cast, also taking their children away however, they aren't any children, their a half cast children (where a British man marries to an aboriginal woman). This unfortunate accident happened in 1930 when three aboriginal kids that was Molly, Daisy and Gracie was taken away from their mom's and taken from a camp to learn the proper way to live. So I believe that the aboriginals people need an apologized because they lived a long way to endure a hard life by their children taken away from them.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly Craig - Born As A Hero?

The movie called the "Rabbit Proof Fence" is a very interesting film, how native Australians fell in despair to live as outcast to the British. Molly Craig is one of the half cast children, there the British separated them from their parents and sent them to a camp where they train the half-cast kids to be one them (which are the British).

I consider Molly Craig as a hero, because despite they are separated from their parents thousand's of miles apart, Molly takes her cousin and her little sister, however, escaping from the camp was nearly impossible and if Molly had bring her two family along with her their risk of getting caught and escape will be shortened. I thought that her action really inspires me because they have a long journey up ahead of them and getting caught she risk's everything to bring her cousin, her little sister and herself to go back to their mothers so that they could live with them, lastly, live as a proud aboriginal.

I thought that this was the time I saw a young girl such as Molly that risk's everything to have her old life back with her cousin and her sister. So I tell that Molly Craig is a hero that risk's everything for the sake of other people.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Brain Gym - Learning Profile

I learn best when...
We are assign to a group work, because I am exposed to different opinions, ideas, and various information. Listening to my friends opinion and sharing our thoughts gives me the confidence to speak up, which I thinks is a form of interactive researching. Also working in a group we get different opinions, sometimes against what I think is right, but it made me learn to share and open up to different ideas. Researching and writing papers can be interesting but I think I concentrate more when the same work is to be given in an activity form that requires my creativity.

I need to...
Concentrate on the given topic and try not to wander too far off from the given assignment, and learn to do everything in steps so my work is more organized. As much as it is hard to focus on the given topic, I need to fully understand what the assignment is about and double check my work. I also need to try looking at the bigger picture rather than focusing too much on the small things that are irrelevant to writing an essay, understanding the picture as a whole first then moving onto elaborating on details is something I will need to work on.

The strategies that would help me in my learning...
Will be brainstorming and laying out drafts. skipping the basic steps only made me miss out on important facts and it took me longer to organize my work after I finished it. It will help me a lot more if I list out the things I have to do step by step and tick them off when I am done with it. This way I could keep track of my work and a lot more time will be saved.

I would like my teachers to know this about me...
I have a lot of ideas and thoughts that I would like to share with my classmates but sometimes they don't come out right or in any particular order, my concentration span is not very durable but I am working on it. I would like to have a bit more silent reading time as I feel 10minutes is not enough to absorb the material given also to add in my ideas.