Sunday, March 27, 2011

Molly Craig - Born As A Hero?

The movie called the "Rabbit Proof Fence" is a very interesting film, how native Australians fell in despair to live as outcast to the British. Molly Craig is one of the half cast children, there the British separated them from their parents and sent them to a camp where they train the half-cast kids to be one them (which are the British).

I consider Molly Craig as a hero, because despite they are separated from their parents thousand's of miles apart, Molly takes her cousin and her little sister, however, escaping from the camp was nearly impossible and if Molly had bring her two family along with her their risk of getting caught and escape will be shortened. I thought that her action really inspires me because they have a long journey up ahead of them and getting caught she risk's everything to bring her cousin, her little sister and herself to go back to their mothers so that they could live with them, lastly, live as a proud aboriginal.

I thought that this was the time I saw a young girl such as Molly that risk's everything to have her old life back with her cousin and her sister. So I tell that Molly Craig is a hero that risk's everything for the sake of other people.

1 comment:

  1. I liked the points you made and would agree with you, but you should work on your grammar to make it a bit easier to read! You had some great ideas despite this though.
